Frequently Asked Questions: Shoppers2023-07-19T17:43:38+02:00
How does it work for the shopper?2023-04-24T13:02:47+02:00

• In its simplest form, Duela enables users to place lay buy transactions on online items they are interested in purchasing but may not have
the full amount of that item at that time.
• The user will then proceed to pay a 25% minimum deposit for the item and then pay the item off over the course of 3 months (depending
on their user level).

What makes Duela unique?2023-04-24T13:02:53+02:00

Duela is unique because of the continuous rating system it provides for all stakeholders (shopper, storehouse, merchant) involved in the
Duela purchasing process .
• Duela rates shoppers on different levels namely Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze. Each level provides a shopper with their own set of
benefits based on their payment behavior through fulfilment of their lay buy purchases. For instance, shoppers on the platinum level may
receive the benefit of a lower deposit and a longer payment term because of a good payment and fulfilment history.

How long do I have to pay off my lay-by transaction?2023-06-11T21:19:50+02:00

The standard lay-by time frame is 3 months.  You may be eligible for time extensions, depending on your rating level.

Can I extend my lay-by period?2023-06-11T21:16:39+02:00

Yes, you may extend your transaction up to two times (two calendar months) depending on your rating level. Each extension will incur a fee of 3.5% of the transaction total which is then added onto your monthly installment.

May I ask a friend to help with my transaction?2023-06-11T20:50:40+02:00

Yes, you may ask someone else to contribute towards your lay-by or even takeover your transaction. The transfer/takeover feature will attract a fee of 3.5% of the transaction that is then added onto your transaction total.

Where can I a view all my Lay-By transaction history?2023-04-24T13:04:04+02:00

All transaction data may be viewed on your Duela Lay-By dashboard.

Can my Stokvel open a Lay-By account with Duela?2023-06-11T20:53:40+02:00

Yes, your stokvel is welcome to sign up for an account with Duela. All members are required to have individual Duela accounts before being able to sign up as a group or stokvel.

Where can I pay off my lay-by transactions?2023-06-11T21:07:08+02:00

Your lay-by transactions can be paid off on the Duela website, mobile app or by dialing our USSD code on your cell phone and following the prompts. You can also pay at any Duela retail partner and spaza shops.

Do you charge interest on lay-by transactions?2023-06-11T20:55:21+02:00

No, Duela does not charge interest on lay-by transactions

What if I want to cancel my Lay-By?2023-06-11T21:13:18+02:00

Should you no longer wish to continue with your lay-by go, you may cancel the transaction on any of our platforms.  The instalments already made will be refunded, less a 1% of total transaction value cancellation fee.

What other fees will I be charged?2023-06-11T20:24:01+02:00

Duela charges a penalty fee for late installments at 3% of the transaction total.
A default fee of 3% of the transaction amount is also charged  in the event that you fail to complete your lay-by instalments.
Any applicable fees will be added to your transaction total.

How does my rating level work?2023-06-11T20:16:50+02:00

The Duela platform allocates rating from Red (where all shoppers start) to Platinum. Your rating level is based on how you handle your lay-by account. The more consistent you are at paying your instalments on time, the higher the rating you earn.

A higher rating affords you access to better deposit rates, more time extensions and more transfers, amongst other features.

What will happen to my lay-by in the event of my retrenchment or passing?2023-06-11T19:27:08+02:00

Duela has a first of its kind lay-by transaction insurance which will cover your plan in the event of  your death or retrenchment. Your lay-by goods will then be delivered to your pre selected beneficiary.

What if I have more questions?2023-04-24T12:58:48+02:00

If you have more questions, kindly email them to

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